Alhamdulillah on the Jakarta Timur level my lovely school, SMK Negeri 10 Jakarta won 6 trophies, 2 for each major. Accounting got 1st place (Farah Nur Nayfar, XII Accounting 1) and 3rd place (Virlie Valevy, XI Accounting 2). Office Administration also got 1st place (Rachmadina Adelia, XI Office Administration 2) and 3rd place (Oktaviani Putri, XII Office Administration 2). Marketing, too, got 1st place (Gita Huzaini, XI Marketing 1) and 3rd place (Nanda Septiana, XII Marketing 1). Congratulations for all of you guys! Get ready for the DKI Jakarta level. Get ready for National level. Aamiin.
Putri, Gita, & Virlie
Virlie & Farah
Gita & Nanda
Because I didn't go with them, I asked Farah to bring my camdig with her. But I think she isn't good at taking pictures *peaceRah She also didn't take the picture when the trophies were given... hhh... Rachmadina also didn't want to be shot so I didn't have her pict. ckckck.