Assalamu'alaikum dear reader,
how's life? I hope yours are good like mine. Mid test has passed, yeay! Bismilllah, hope Allah gives the best for me (>,<) This semester's mid test was not stressing like 2 last semesters because this semester there were just 4 lessons in test and there were not so much memorization. Yeah, I am weak at memorizing (-,- ).
By the way, on Monday I joined Fitri Aulia's quiz on instagram to get free ticket to her fashion show at JFW 2014 today but I didn't win *sob sob* But I always pray the best for her and her business.
Lately I'm so into my smartphone's camera. Actually the result is not good as my digital camera's but I like to post picture to instagram and it's not practice if I'm using digi-cam. But I miss the good-enough quality of my digi-cam. So, I'm gonna use my digi-cam back soon.
Today's outfit was shot using my smartphone (sorry for the bad-quality picture)