Hijab Tutorial #1

Assalamu'alaikum dear reader,
It's been a long time since my last post--1 month ago. Now I'm back with a hijab tutorial. I've just used this style this morning hehe. But it is simple and make me want to share with y'al :)

1. I'm using chiffon pashmina. Use it with one side longer.
2. Pin it to your inner on top and both right and left side.
3. Bring the long side to the other side from the inside than bring it back to its original side like the second picture below.
4. Spread the long side to cover back and front side and pin them together on the other side.
5. FINISH!!! \(^_^)/
Hope my explanation is clear enough hehe :) Also hope it will be usefull for you, dear reader :) Enjoy!

