LKS BisMan Jakarta Timur 2012 day I

Wew. Unbelievable the competition day has come. Wish the best for both Farah and Virlie on the Accounting competition. Also for Putri and Ramadina on their Office Administration competition. Also for Nanda and Gita for their Marketing competition. Wish the best for you all guys \(^_^)/ Keep the spirit!
Well, today I couldn't accompany them from the start. I had to go to school today because I had the try outs. But I came on 1 p.m. and took some pictures. Yeah, I couldn't get a good-focus pictures. So, sorry for the bad photograph. And I couldn't get Farah's photo. It's difficult to take her picture because she sat on the 3rd row. Maybe Pak Eko has her photo. I'll ask him tomorrow.
Nanda & Gita
Virlie Valevy from XI Accounting 2
Rachmadina from XI Office Administration 2 also my junior in Business Centre
Gita's Products (Getuk, Akar Kelapa, & Kembang Goyang)
My school's office administration's printer
My school's office administration almost every year go to national level. Well, yeah, although last year Putri just got 2nd place on DKI level, she keeps the spirit 'till now. I hope this year is our year.
